• AOS of London - Psychogeographia Zosiana (Austin Osman Spare, Alan Moore, Gavin Semple, Ben Thompson)

AoS of London - Psychogeographia Zosiana on matkaopas taiteilija-okkultisti Austin Osman Sparen Lontooseen, ja sisältää mm. sarjakuvamestari Alan Mooren haastattelun Fallen Visionary -näyttelystä Lontoon Cuming Museumista ja Gavin W. Semple tekstin "Contextual History", joka ruotii Sparen mielipaikkoja Etelä-Lontoossa. Teos on kauttaaltaan taiteilija Ben Thompsonin kuvittama ja sisältää myös lukuisia Sparen alkuperäisiä harvemmin nähtävillä olevia töitä. 400 kpl numeroitu painoksen keskiaukeamalta löytyy myös Thompsonin laatima nelisivuinen kartta Sparen Lontoon okkulttiseen vorteksiin.

Kustantajan sivuilta:

"A unique guide to Sparean London with maps in the book, including one gatefold. And a large format fold-out map with the deluxe edition.

Presented here is the full interview transcript (7,600 words) with Alan Moore conducted by Steve Crabtree for the BBC Culture Show on the occasion of the 2010 ‘Fallen Visionary’ exhibition, Cuming Museum, Walworth, London.

Moore discusses his enduring fascination for Spare in relation to mystical and quotidian London history. During a taxi cab tour around Southwark, he investigates the Cockney milieu of Spare. And he examines works in the exhibition, discussing the magical implications of Spare’s art and how it nourishes him as a writer and magician.

Contextual History by Gavin W. Semple – Pin-pointing the domiciles and haunts of Spare’s South London, along with the taverns that the artist frequented and exhibited in. This is revised from the Cockney Visionary publication.

Among images of Spare’s art is a previously unpublished nude study belonging to Moore. There are 23 exquisite line illustrations by Ben Thompson (Master of the Art), evoking characters of Spare’s canon; from Paterson to Crowley, Blake to Blavatsky, that underpin Spare’s art and ethos.

Thompson has also produced a stunning cartographical puzzle with graphic inter-dimensional implications, revealing alternate hidden designs when partially unfolded. This is with the deluxe edition only, and a folio edition of signed prints will also be released.

A new concept in Spare studies? A unique guide for exploring sub-rosa London?

You decide, but do keep to the left-hand path…"

Hinta: 40€ (sis. alv.)

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AOS of London - Psychogeographia Zosiana (Austin Osman Spare, Alan Moore, Gavin Semple, Ben Thompson)

  • Tuotenumero: Jerusalem Press
  • Saatavuus: Varastossa
  • 40.00€