Austin Osman Spare

Tarkenna hakua

AOS of London - Psychogeographia Zosiana (Austin Osman Spare, Alan Moore, Gavin Semple, Ben Thompson)

AOS of London - Psychogeographia Zosiana (Austin Osman Spare, Alan Moore, Gavin Semple, Ben Thompson)

AoS of London - Psychogeographia Zosiana on matkaopas taiteilija-okkultisti Austin Osman Sparen Lont..


Austin Osman Spare: The Book of Pleasure (Self-Love) The Psychology of Ecstasy

Austin Osman Spare: The Book of Pleasure (Self-Love) The Psychology of Ecstasy

Kaaosmagian isänä pidetty Austin Osman Spare oli elinaikanaan sangen marginaaliin hiipunut master d..


Dr William Wallace: Catalpa Monographs - A Critical Survey of the Art and Writings of Austin Osman Spare

Dr William Wallace: Catalpa Monographs - A Critical Survey of the Art and Writings of Austin Osman Spare

"The Catalpa Monographs" on Dr. William Wallacen kriittinen tutkielma taitailija-okkultisti Austin O..


Richard Grenville Clark: Apocalypse in England - A Critical Study of  Frederick Carter

Richard Grenville Clark: Apocalypse in England - A Critical Study of Frederick Carter

Richard G. Clarkin "Apocalypse in England" tarkastelee Sparen taiteilijakollegaa Frederick Carteria ..


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