Tartarus Press

A. L. Salmon: The Ferry of Souls

A. L. Salmon: The Ferry of Souls

The Ferry of Souls - Fantasies, Sketches, Realities and Dreams by A.L. SalmonIntrodu..


Alain-Fournier: Le Grand Meaulnes - or, The Lost Domain and Miracles

Alain-Fournier: Le Grand Meaulnes - or, The Lost Domain and Miracles

Kustantajan sivuilta:John Fowles described Le Grand Meaulnes as a novel that ‘has haunted the Europ..


Arthur Machen: Dreads and Drolls

Arthur Machen: Dreads and Drolls

Kokoelma Arthur Machenin kirjoittamia artikkeleita.This volume contains sixty studies, mostly from ..


Arthur Machen: The House of Souls

Arthur Machen: The House of Souls

Upea näköispainos Machenin klassikkokokoelmasta "The House of Souls".Kustantajan sivuilta:The House..


Arthur Machen: The Secret Glory

Arthur Machen: The Secret Glory

Arthur Machenin Graal-seikkailu.Kustantajan sivuilta:The Secret Glory is, like Arthur Machen’s other..


Arthur Machen’s 1890s Notebook

Arthur Machen’s 1890s Notebook

Arthur Machenin muistikirja. Arthur Machen's 1890s Notebook edited by The Friends of Arthur Ma..


John Gawsworth: The Life of Arthur Machen

John Gawsworth: The Life of Arthur Machen

John Gawsworthin Machen-historiikki.Kustantajan sivuilta:Edited by Roger Dobson, with an Introduct..


John Howard & Mark Valentine: Secret Europe

John Howard & Mark Valentine: Secret Europe

Kustantajan sivuilta:The authors of Secret Europe were inspired by the lives of the many courageous ..


Literary Hauntings: A Gazetteer of Literary Ghost Stories from Britain and Ireland

Literary Hauntings: A Gazetteer of Literary Ghost Stories from Britain and Ireland

Matkaopas Englannin kummituskohteisiin, jotka ovat toimineet britannialaisten kauhutarinoiden innoi..


Robert Aickman & Elizabeth Jane Howard: We Are for the Dark

Robert Aickman & Elizabeth Jane Howard: We Are for the Dark

Robert Aickmanin ja Elizabeth Jane Howard kuuden novellin kokoelma kauhutarinoita.We Are for the Da..


Robert Aickman: Intrusions

Robert Aickman: Intrusions

Kokoelma Robert Aickmanin kauhutarinoita.Kustantajan sivuilta:Introduction by Reggie OliverIn his In..


Robert Aickman: Tales of Love and Death

Robert Aickman: Tales of Love and Death

Kokoelma Robert Aickmanin kauhutarinoita.Kustantajan sivuilta:Introduction by Michael DirdaRobert Ai..


Robert Louis Stevenson: The Suicide Club & Other Dark Adventures

Robert Louis Stevenson: The Suicide Club & Other Dark Adventures

‘Like Wine, or Fire, or Death, or Love . . .’: Stevenson’s Dark Adventures take us deep into the rea..


Sarban: Ringstones and Other Curious Tales

Sarban: Ringstones and Other Curious Tales

Brittiläinen diplomaatti John William Wall (1910 -1989) alkoi 1950-luvulla rustata synkkää uuskummaa..


Sarban: The Sound of His Horn and Other Stories

Sarban: The Sound of His Horn and Other Stories

Brittiläinen diplomaatti John William Wall (1910 -1989) alkoi 1950-luvulla rustata synkkää uuskumma..


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