Fulgur Limitedin julkaisema, Abraxas Journalin hengenheimolainen, Black Mirror -aikakausijulkaisu keskittyy okkultismin ja esoterian moniulotteiseen vaikutukseen taiteen kentällä. Black Mirror on julkaistu komeina kovakantisina kirjoina.
Kustantajan sivuilta:
Black Mirror is a peer-reviewed series that seeks to examine ways in which the occult and the esoteric have been at the heart of art practice now and throughout the modernist period. It is produced by a group of artists and researchers and much of the work examined will be practice-led. Hence this volume includes both essays on contemporary and modernist work, and new works by artists. Black Mirror 1 – embodiment is the second installation within the Black Mirror series of publications.
In this volume we explore the philosophy and practice of embodiment. Throughout the twentieth century both occult practitioners and artists explored the effects of the patriarchal monotheistic heritage that divorced the mind from the body, privileging the intellect as spiritual and negating and subjugating the corporeal. The conjunction of heterodox spiritualities, feminism and green philosophies in the 1980s gave rise to art and thinking that sought to heal the split between mind and body, to find new respect for the body and the physical world, and to explore the spiritual through the corporeal. Mindful of these early pioneers, in this volume we seek to broaden ideas surrounding magic, art and embodiment.
Introduction – Judith Noble, Dominic Shepherd and Jesse Bransford
Ingestion and Descent: The Chthonic Realms of Leonora Carrington – Susan L. Aberth
The Dark Mark: Tattoo as Ritual of Transformation – Natan Alexander
The Empress, 2015 – Lindsey Bull
Self-Obliteration through Self-Love – David Burrows
The Sitters – Tom Butler
Etruscan Monochromes – Gean Moreno
Transformation of the Everyday Material Magic in Jan Švankmajer’s Art and Films – Kristoffer Noheden
Le Bal: Bewitching the Classical Body – Katerina Pantelides
Abject Bodies and Places of Enchantment – Deanna Petherbridge
Embodying the Androgyne: Psychoanalysis and Alchemical Desire in Max Ernst’s Men Shall Know Nothing of This (1923) – Daniel Zamani
Hinta: 30€ (sis. alv.)
Black Mirror 1 – embodiment
- Tuotenumero: Fulgur Limited
- Saatavuus: Varastossa